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Emily Wynne is a devoted pantheist neopagan who tries to express her reverence for the earth and the stars in her writing. Her shelves are cluttered with books and toys and wargaming minifigures, including a sorceress painted to look like her protagonist, Elsinore. Her favorite holidays are the Spring Equinox and Halloween.

She likes to think her writing is influenced by a mix of Lord Dunsany, Leigh Brackett, Michael Moorcock, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, Audre Lorde, Joanna Russ, John Bellairs, Leslie Feinberg, Emily Dickinson, countless books about gods and fairies, and the many vivid dreams she both remembers and doesn't, not really, except when she's bathing or looking at trees.

Emily currently resides in a lovely city in Lenapehoking. She lives with her girlfriend, who is her star and her heart, and their family of stuffed animals called Bear Gang.

Princess of the Pomegranate Moon is her first novel, and she is presently writing further adventures of Elsinore which she hopes to share very soon.